leadership 6 tips to improve your integrity as a leader Learn how you can improve your integrity as a leader. These 6 tips will help you become a better leader in the field of integrity.
leadership 6 ways to improve vision as a leader Learn how you can improve your vision as a leader. These 6 ways to improve vision as a leader will help you grow to lead your people more effectively.
leadership 6 ways to improve empathy for a leader Learn how you can improve your empathy skills to become the leader you want to be. Empathy is one of the crucial traits to become a successful leader.
leadership 7 principles for successful leadership Learn about the 7 principles for successful leadership in your organization: vision, integrity, empathy, decisiveness, adaptability, collaboration, and inspiration
leadership The four obsession of a extraordinary executive "I believe that all successful organizations share two qualities: they are smart, and they are healthy."
leadership How to keep employees engaged during the Covid-19 situation When the Covid-19 situation hit Germany in the beginning of March of course everyone was a little anxious about what will happen. When then revenue stopped stalling of course the question came up how to deal with it. One thing was clear from the beginning for me: I do not