Install InvoiceNinja 5 as a docker image

Fast, easy and straight forward: Learn how to setup InvoiceNinja 5 as a docker image using docker compose.

What is InvoiceNinja?

InvoiceNinja is a free and open source invoicing, expense and time tracking tool. It has the following functionalities and is very easy to use:

  • Invoices & Auto-Billing
  • Online Payments
  • Quotations & Proposals
  • Streamline Workflows
  • Time-Track Work
  • Expenses & Reporting

How to install InvoiceNinja 5 on Docker

There are several installers you can use for InvoiceNinja 5 e.g. using it on Softacoulus. Since this is sensitive information and because of GDPR regulations I do prefer hosting these thing on my own premise (or my own cloud instance) so that I do not need to worry about third party GDPR regulations.

Docker makes sense as it brings you the whole installation packed and ready to run without making to many changes to your current system.

Installing the basics: Docker and Git

In order to get started with InvoiceNinja5 and Docker you need to install Docker and Git on your system first. This can be done as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Downloading the InvoiceNinja5 source for Docker

As next step you need to download the Docker source for InvoiceNinja5. Do do this we navigate to the /var directory and then pull the source code:

cd /var
sudo git clone

Alternatively you can dowload the zip file and unzip it.

cd /var
sudo wget
sudo unzip -d /var/dockerfiles

Next you need to generate an app key and set the permissions, which can be done with the following commands.

cd dockerfiles
sudo chmod 755 docker/app/public
sudo chown -R 1500:1500 docker/app
docker run --rm -it invoiceninja/invoiceninja php artisan key:generate --show

Note down the app key, as you will need it later

Now edit the env file and insert your app key and you app url.

sudo vim env

Next you need to update the IPs in the docker-compose to make sure that your PDF generation is working correctly. Look for the in5.test sections in the docker compose and replace the IP there with your local IP.

sudo vim docker-compose.yml

And edit the hosts file to enter your local IP.

sudo vim config/hosts

After this you can bring up your containers and enjoy InvoiceNinja5.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

After this you will be able to call InvoiceNinja5 entering your IP in the browser. E.g.

You can also read about this here.