Is low-code the right technology for my project: A quick assessment
In my previous post I have explained, what the decision makers are if low-code or a custom made development is the right choice for your challenge.
You can try the following quick assessment to decide, if you should choose a low-code platform or go for custom development:
1. What is the complexity of the project?
Low: Simple screens, simple logic, Medium: calculations and processes, High: complex calculations, processes and screen flows
2. What is the project timeline?
Short 1 - 6 months, Middle 7 - 15 months, Long > 16 months
Short 1 - 6 months, Middle 7 - 15 months, Long > 16 months
3. What is the size of the development team?
Small <= 3 4 6 developers, middle - big>= 7 developers
4. What is the budget for the project?
Small <= 150k, medium 151k - 500k, big>= 500k
5. What are the project goals and objectives?
6. How important is flexibility and scalability for the
7. What is the level of technical expertise within the development
8. What is the level of integration required for the
Little to none <= 5 6 10 interfaces to integrate, some - interfaces, a lot> 10 interfaces
9. What is the level of security required for the project?