LifeHack: End-Meetings-Early

Back-to-back meetings? Not even a small break for hours? Does this sound familiar?

Lot of people I talk to a telling me the same story since the pandemic starts. In a remote work environment, it seems like the day is just like one long meeting.

Luckily, there is a feature in Outlook called “Shorten appointments and meetings”. It automatically shortens your meeting depending on the length of it. I’ve been using this for quite some time, and it changed my working day dramatically. In the beginning everyone is a little surprised why the meeting is only 25 or 50 minutes, but after some (short) period it is no big deal at all anymore and the meetings actually end early (and give me some time to regroup or get something to drink).

Have you made the same experiences?
Are you already using this or a similar feature?
What other “hacks” are you using to find some time during the day?