Embracing the future with the Feedforward feedback method: A beginner's guide

In the vast landscape of professional development and interpersonal communication, the Feedforward feedback method emerges as a transformative approach, shifting the focus from past shortcomings to future potential. This innovative method, prioritizing actionable advice and future-oriented strategies over traditional feedback, offers a refreshing alternative for personal and professional growth. This blog post delves into the essence of the Feedforward method, exploring its suitability for different personalities and providing practical examples of its application.

What is the Feedforward feedback method?

The Feedforward feedback method is a forward-thinking approach that encourages individuals to offer each other suggestions for the future rather than critiques of past actions. Unlike conventional feedback, which often focuses on what went wrong and why, Feedforward concentrates on possibilities and how to achieve them. This method fosters a positive atmosphere, emphasizing growth, learning, and development.

Ideal personalities for the Feedforward method

Who it suits best

The Feedforward method is particularly effective for individuals who are forward-thinking and action-oriented. It appeals to those open to growth and eager to apply insights to improve their future performance. This method is also well-suited for people who may be sensitive to criticism, as it bypasses negative past actions and focuses on positive future potential.

Less suitable personalities:

Conversely, individuals who thrive on detailed analysis of past performances to learn may find the Feedforward method less satisfying. People who prefer concrete examples from the past to understand their mistakes and learn from them might not resonate as well with this approach. Similarly, those who are highly analytical or skeptical may seek more traditional feedback mechanisms that include a review of past actions.

Practical Application: Successes and setbacks

A Success Story

In a creative agency, a team leader used the Feedforward method to inspire her team for an upcoming project. Instead of dwelling on the shortcomings of their last campaign, she asked each member to suggest one actionable idea that could enhance the team's future work. This approach not only uplifted the team's morale but also generated a wealth of innovative ideas, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration among team members. The project that followed was a testament to the power of positive, forward-looking input, marking a significant success for the agency.

A Learning Curve

However, not all attempts at implementing the Feedforward method lead to immediate success. A software development team manager tried to apply it during a project retrospective. He focused solely on what could be improved in the future, avoiding any mention of past mistakes. This left the team confused, with no clear understanding of what went wrong or how exactly to improve. The lack of context and specific examples from past experiences made it difficult for the team to grasp the actionable steps forward, underscoring the importance of balancing forward-looking advice with sufficient context.


The Feedforward feedback method presents a promising shift in how we approach personal and professional development. By focusing on future possibilities and positive change, it offers a refreshing alternative to traditional feedback methods. Suitable for individuals who are optimistic, receptive to change, and less responsive to criticism, Feedforward can catalyze growth and innovation. However, its effectiveness varies among different personalities and situations, highlighting the need for a thoughtful and balanced approach. As we continue to explore and apply the Feedforward method, we open the door to a future where feedback is not just about reflection but about the boundless potential ahead.